Impact Factor 2021 = 1.200 has been issued by ISI Web of Knowledge (JCR 2021).
ISSN 1998-9539
aResearch Institute of Macroheterocycles, Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology, 153000 Ivanovo, Russia
bUniversidad Autonoma de Madrid,Cantoblanco, 280409 Madrid, Spain
@Corresponding author E-mail:
aA.N. Nesmeyanov Institute of Organoelement Compounds, Russian Academy of Sciences, 119991 Moscow, Russia
bTechnical University of Istanbul, Department of Chemistry, Maslak, TR34469 Istanbul, Turkey
cM.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University of Fine Chemical Technologies, 119571 Moscow, Russia
Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology, 153000 Ivanovo, Russia
@Corresponding author E-mail:
Macroheterocycles 2012 5(2) 166-168
DOI: 10.6060/mhc2012.120574k
aIvanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology, 153000 Ivanovo, Russia
bInstitute for Physics of Microstructures, Russian Academy of Sciences, 603950 Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
@Corresponding author E-mail:
Departament of Fine Organic Synthesis, Research Institute of Macroheterocycles, Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology, 153000 Ivanovo, Russia
@Corresponding author E-mail:
Macroheterocycles 2012 5(2) 157-161
DOI: 10.6060/mhc2012.120577i
Wacker-Lehrstuhl für Makromolekulare Chemie, Technische Universität München, Lichtenbergstraße 4, 85748 Garching b.
München, Germany
@Corresponding author E-mail:
Macroheterocycles 2011 4(4) 238-244
DOI: 10.6060/mhc2011.4.02
Received 19.07.2011
Accepted 12.09.2011
aDeparment of Organic Chemistry, Ivanovo State University of Chemical Technology, 153000 Ivanovo, Russia
bDipartimento di Chimica, Universita di Roma “La Sapienza”, P-le Aldo Moro, 5, I-00185 Rome, Italy
@Corresponding author E-mail:
aDepartment of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Drug Control,
bDepartment of Biophysics and Physical Chemistry,
cDepartment of Pharmaceutical Technology, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Kralove, Charles University in Prague,
Heyrovskeho 1203, Hradec Kralove, 50005, Czech Republic
aInstitute of the Solution Chemistry of Russian Academy of Sciences, 153045 Ivanovo, Russia
bUniversität Tübingen, Institut für Organische Chemie, Morgenstelle 18, 72076 Tübingen, Germany
@Corresponding author E-mail:
DOI: 10.6060/mhc2010.1.63
Macroheterocycles 2010 3(1) 63-67