
Impact Factor 2021 = 1.200 has been issued by ISI Web of Knowledge (JCR 2021).

SCImago Journal & Country Rank

ISSN 1998-9539

Guide for Authors

The journal publishes the original experimental and theoretical articles (full papers and short communications), as well as the author’s reviews on synthesis, structure, physical and coordination chemistry of macroheterocycles and their practical use. The analytical reviews are published upon invitation of the Editors. All contributions are considered on the basis of the peer-review process. Manuscripts can be submitted in English or in Russian and upon acceptance will be published in the original language.

Manuscripts should be submitted as a single file (Word, RTF or PDF format) using on-line submission system at (you can switch to English version on the top right side). The corresponding author has a responsibility to receive agreement of all co-authors and permission from the institution authorities (if needed) for the publication of the submitted materials, as well as permission from other publishers in the case of reproduction (figures, etc.) The cover letter should contain the statement that the presented manuscript is original, was not already published and is not under submitted for publication elsewhere.

Detailed guidelines for the preparation of manuscripts can be found in the template file, which is available on the home-page of the journal ( The first page should contain the title, names of authors and their affiliations, e-mail of the corresponding author(s), abstracts and 5-6 keywords. The structure of the experimental paper should contain the following sections: Introduction, Experimental, Results and Discussion (can be combined) and Conclusions. Short communication should not be divided to subsections (details can be given as remarks in the bottom of the page). List of references should be given at the end of the paper (if sources are published in non-Latin alphabet their titles should be given in English translation and names of authors in transliteration). Illustration and Tables should be placed directly in the text file (see guidelines in the template).

Upon acceptance of the manuscript for publication the authors should send the file with the final version (Word or RTF format) corrected in accordance with recommendations of reviewers and scientific editor, short annotation and figure or scheme for the graphical Table of Content. The corresponding author(s) will receive page proofs. Corrections should be returned to the Editorial office within one week.

After publication the corresponding author will receive one complementary copy of the journal issue (additional copies can be ordered) and a high-resolution PDF reprint by e-mail.