
Impact Factor 2021 = 1.200 has been issued by ISI Web of Knowledge (JCR 2021).

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ISSN 1998-9539

Phthalocyanines and Naphthalocyanines with Sulfur-Containing Functional Groups: Synthesis, Preparation of Hybrid Gold Nanoparticles and Some Application Areas

T. V. Dubinina,a,b@ P. I. Tychinsky,a Е. А. Gorbunova,a,b and М. S. Belousova
aDepartment of Chemistry, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 119991 Moscow, Russian Federation
bInstitute of Physiologically Active Compounds, Russian Academy of Sciences, 142432 Chernogolovka, Moscow region, Russian Federation
@Corresponding author E-mail:
DOI: 10.6060/mhc210232d
Macroheterocycles 2021 14(1) 14-39
Dedicated to memory of our teacher ‑ Professor Larisa Godvigovna Tomilova
Synthetic approaches to the phthalocyanines and their polynuclear and sandwich-type derivatives, bearing sulfur-containing functional groups, are classified. Additionally complexes, possessing an extended π-conjugation system (planar and sandwich-type 2,3-naphthalocyanines) are reviewed. Principal application areas are covered. Special attention is paid to the formation of conjugates with gold nanoparticles – prospective materials for organic electronics.


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