
Impact Factor 2021 = 1.200 has been issued by ISI Web of Knowledge (JCR 2021).

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ISSN 1998-9539

Nickel-Graphene Nanostructures: Synthesis, Study and Applications

Alexey A. Volodin,@ Artem A. Arbuzov, Pavel V. Fursikov, and Boris P. Tarasov

Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics RAS, 142432 Chernogolovka, Moscow region, Russia

@Corresponding author E-mail:


DOI: 10.6060/mhc201129v

Macroheterocycles 2021 14(2) 180-184


Here we present the results of our works on the development of new functional composites of graphene structures with metals, alloys, intermetallic compounds and their hydrides, and on the creation on their basis of hydrogen-storage materials for compact and safe hydrogen storage, electrode materials for nickel-metal hydride batteries, highly efficient catalysts for the hydrogenation of metals and organic compounds as well as hydrogen systems for energy backup and storage.


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